Shot of the Day 8/18/2013

For my second ‘Shot of the Day’ post I am going to add something a little personal.

Last spring, our daughter decided to try out a new elite/premiere soccer team that was closer to home. Previously, she was playing with a Federal Way Football Club team, and they had much success, winning several tournaments and outright dominating their league all year long. But for one reason and another, she couldn’t continue with that club. So when this new team presented itself, she (and we) jumped at the chance for her to play. First up for them was the annual Federal Way Blast Off Tournament.

Their first game, as expected, came on a Friday night. No problem, right. Well, the game was a hard fought battle throughout. The ball went from one side of the field to the other with no score. Finally, with about 10 minutes to spare, Caitrin’s team had a breakout moment. One of our girls was fouled just outside the penalty box and so we were awarded a free kick. The kick came in, and Caitrin, being very tall, got her head on it and put one into the back of the net! Yay for us. Score 1-0.

The next 10 minutes was a flurry of activity from the other team. There were intent on bringing the score even and so they stepped up their intensity and focus. With about a minute left in the game, they pushed the ball forward, but it was cleared by one of our defenders and was rolling to the corner of their opposition side. Caitrin ran a foot race with one of their defenders to track the ball down. They both arrived at the same time, both hitting the ball at the same time, and both flying through the air. Caitrin tumbled in the air and came down on her shoulder. She normally pops back up right away, but not this time. There was something wrong.

Turns out she broke her collar bone. Nasty break, but not the end of the world. Needless to say, she couldn’t finish the tournament, but her lone goal in game 1 was what sent them into the finals, where the team scrapped together enough of an effort to bring about a victory.

I normally shoot all my daughters games, but unfortunately I did not manage to bring my camera to the game on Friday night. I did have it with me on Sunday, when the team won the tournament and received their medals.

Anyway, here are a couple of shots from the medal ceremony.



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