Monday Morning Blues on Tuesday

Monday Morning Blues on Tuesday

Hi Friends.

Well it is Tuesday today. Tuesday after a holiday weekend. Back to life, back to real life. Blah, blah, blah.

For me today is blah. I have a severe case of the Monday blues. It’s hard to keep focused and motivated. But I persevere and am trying to push through it. I keep thinking about what a great weekend this was…I assisted one of my diving buddy instructors with his open water class (see pic below), got to spend some time with my daughter and her boyfriend, and was able to spend some time flying the drone around and getting some cool pics (will share those later).

Below is a picture of the open water class I assisted in this weekend and two students who earned their open water scuba diver certification (Cassandra and Ryan-both in center).

Thanks for being my friend and stopping by my website for a visit. And thank you for letting me vent (I’ll get through this). 🙂



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