Love the Longboard

Last week, I had the great pleasure to photograph Jonny for his senior portraits. I had never met Jonny before that afternoon, but I could tell, the minute I saw him, that he was a guy with charisma. He mentioned that he loved to longboard, so, of course, I had to ask if he had is longboard with him. He said it was in the car. “Wanna get it?” I asked him.  I think I surprised him…pleasantly. The look of joy on his face when he came riding down the path on his board was priceless! I love shooting seniors, especially when they are engaged in something they love. We got a few action shots, just for fun, to round out his session. It was a great shoot!

Jonny and Kate, I had a great time with both of you! Thanks for the entertainment:) And I hope you enjoyed your weekend at the Dave Matthews concert!!





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