Around Washington, Part 1

Good day Friends! And happy Leap Year!

Well, I’ve been working on several projects lately, including an album (quickly turning into 2 albums) of Iceland. One of which is trying to accumulate some of my favorite various pictures from around Washington State. One of the challenges I’ve had is that I have pictures spread across 3 different computers using 3 different versions of Lightroom (which reminds me-another great big thank you to Adobe for making Lightroom and Photoshop subscription-based, I say very sarcastically). And trying to compile them to one spot without reworking a slew of pictures has become very problematic. But I digress. Another is that I haven’t really taken much landscape photographs in Washington State in the last few years (that should change this year). Most have been in Iceland, Nevada, Oregon, or somewhere in between.

Nevertheless, I post here for your enjoyment a few photographs from around Washington that I have taken in the last 2 years.

And now for the shameless plug, all photographs are available for purchase. Please email me or visit what I have on Fine Art America – Chris McKenna.

Stay tuned for Part 2 coming up with a few weeks.



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