Shot of the Day 11/02/13

Good morning, friends.

Today I am posting another autumn photograph. This particular shot was taken at Lincoln Park in Seattle a few weekends ago.

Lincoln Park is a place that my family frequently visited when I was a child and I have some fond memories of it. I have very vivid memories of the fall colors there, and I wanted to capture some of that again. This particular shot was more of the “yellow” color variety rather than the “orange” and “red” that  I was looking for, but that is ok because this shot is one of my favorites from this year. This was shot with my D800 and my 25-120mm lens, with adjustments made in lightroom for contrast, saturation and crop.

I want to apologize for the low resolution of this particular photo. I had been posting higher resolution photos all year because low res, small photographs just do not do any good shot justice, but I learned that one of my photographs was recently pirated and is making its way around the internet without my permission and without credit. So, I am forced to go back to the lower res versions until I get comfortable again posting larger files.

Until later, stay cool!


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