Iceland 2017

Hi Everyone,

Back in late September, 2017, I traveled to Iceland for a few days with some friends after they completed teaching at one of their workshops on the island. We traveled to the Snæfellsnes peninsula for 3 days of intense shooting from the famous Budir Black Church, to the crashing coastlines, and ending up at the famous Kirkjufell mountain and waterfall.  We ended our last day at the lavafields at Hraunfossar and the Þingvellir National Park.

Iceland is a special place for me and even though I’ve been there only 2 times. As a landscape photographer I find myself longing to spend more and more time there and capture the beauty of the place before its gone forever or access to various places is restricted (which is a real possibility-thanks Justin Beiber).  As a human, I find God’s hand everywhere and I find my inner peace.

I look forward to my next trip, where this time I will spend up to 2 weeks traveling around the entire country.

I hope that you enjoy these pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them.



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