Extraterrestrial Highway

Ok everybody. As my close friends are aware, we are out of the studio this week on vacation. We decided to take a road trip since flying somewhere is out of the question with airfares being so high (for the last 2 years we were planning on going to New York City and staying in Manhattan, but that was out of the cards this year).

So, we loaded up the car and decided to take a long loop from Washington through Idaho and down into Eastern Nevada, ending up in Las Vegas for a few days before we head back up through Reno and Medford, Or. and back up to Washington.

One of the stops that I always wanted to make was in Rachel, NV., a small city right outside the infamous and non-existent Area 51. Don’t ask me why, but I do. So, anyway, on the way down from Twin Falls, we didn’t get an opportunity to stop in Rachel, but we did manage to stop at the “Extraterrestrial Highway” cutoff from Route 93 and get a couple of pictures.

Maybe next time I’m in Las Vegas I’ll finally get the opportunity to stop there, but in the mean time I have these pictures to enjoy my “close encounter.”




P.S. I’ll be posting a portfolio of my “hotel portraits” sometime after I get back to the studio and have had an opportunity to finish them.

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