Cat’s Senior Shoot #4-Soccer

This has been a beautiful week for bright sunshine. I love rummaging through my glove compartment to find some much needed sun glasses:). Sun is not always a photographer’s best friend, though. It can be the source of washed out photos with squinty eyed subjects. That being said, Caitrin and I needed to get her soccer portraits out of the way before uniforms had to be turned in, so yesterday was the day. Cat (Caitrin’s field name) did her part by securing the school field and showing up with her uniform, letterman’s jacket, cleats and a ball. I brought all of my needed gear, except for a warm pair of gloves. I’ll make sure to put those in my camera bag for the next cold weather shoot. Here is what Cat and I came up with for some unusual still and action shots. I used the bright sun for some interesting busts and streaks. Thanks for braving the wind chill for me, Caitrin. Congratulations on a season record of 16 goals, 11 assists and the honor of All SPSL 1st team; the best way to end a great high school career!


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