Category Archives: Photography Tips & Techniques

Best of 2013 Photobook

Good evening, friends.

Ok, ok, I know that there are over 3 weeks left in 2013, but I am just so excited about this book I had to share now.

So I am testing out a new book printer, and I thought it would be fun to use some of my favorite images of this past year to have them print. So I designed a book and uploaded and it is now in their print and bind process. I am so excited to see what it looks like, but in the mean time I thought that I would upload this preview. When I get the book (scheduled for December 23), I will post a review and let you know if it was worth it.

Keep in mind that these images are not intended to showcase our work with clients, just our own personal non-portrait pictures (even though I have a few of my family sprinkled in) taken in the last year. Most of them I have printed out and are hanging on the walls in my house. And some of these are even for sale on Fine Art America (click the link on the right to be taken to my page).

Enjoy and blessings,



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How to Save Big Money by Not Hiring a Professional Wedding Photographer

Good morning, Friends.

Talk to any professional wedding photographer and they will tell you that one of the biggest challenges they face two fold: first, the notion from potential clients that I can save big money if they do it themselves (that is taking your own photographs) and a very closely related second, the cost of a professional photographer is just too much money. Well, I’m not going to get into the why a professional wedding photographer costs money (there are plenty of blog postings that break down everything from the cost of professional knowledge and expertise, marketing, equipment, time, etc., etc.) but I would like to share something that came across my desk yesterday.

As you know, I am not one who regularly reposts other’s blog, but every once in a while something comes along that is worth sharing.This post will explain the monetary benefits you will reap by doing your own wedding photographs. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did. Click on the link below to view the post.

Keep in mind my post is not intended to offend anyone, just provide a good humored look at things to take into account when considering taking your own wedding photographs. I can’t speak for the intent of the original author, however. 🙂



Also posted in Event Photography, Wedding Photography Tagged , , |

15 Must See Cheatsheets and Infographics For Photographers

Good day friends.

I hope that you have had as enjoyable a Monday as you could possibly have. It’s hard to ease back into a week after a gorgeous weekend-isn’t it? But we do what we can to make it better. For me, it is sometimes looking at pictures I took over the weekend or perhaps even reading through blogs and posts. When looking around, I usually find something that makes me chuckle, makes me mad, makes me sad, and sometimes ponder a question or think about a subject and contemplate on it.

Every once in a while, I stumble across information that is just incredible and must share (most of it not on this blog but through facebook or twitter). However, as you are keenly aware, I am very hesitant to plug anyone else’s products or services, or even their information for that matter on my own blog. I don’t want my blog to become a message board for others to peddle their wares or a cornerplace for spam and junk. But when I do find something that is worth sharing to my audience, I first wish that I had come up with it myself 🙂 but then I want to give credit where credit is due and share that information.

Such is the case with this tidbit of information: 15 Must See Cheatsheets and Infographics for Photographers. Click on the link below to go to it.

15 Must See Cheatsheets and Infographics For Photographers

There is a lot to know when it comes to photography, everything from color temperature to depth-of-field, from tonal range to the 3 elements to exposure, and everything in between. This post does a wonderful job of graphically illustrating some of those various topics.

I strongly encourage you to take a look and glean whatever information you can.

Blessings to you (and enjoy the remainder of your day),



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Macro Photography Close-Up Lens Filter Review

Back in April, I posted a tip about cheap macro photography. And last week, I posted my review of some Vello extension tubes to turn your “regular” lens into a “faux macro” lens. The other suggestion in the first posting was to use a set of screw-on close-up filters. This is that review.

In a word, disappointing. I purchased a set of 3 Tiffen filters for my 24-105mm Nikkor lens ( thinking that it might be easier to get the results I was looking for by just adding these filters to the end of my lens, rather than having to take the lens off the body, attach the extension tube, and then add the set back to the camera like I would with the extension tube set-up.

One of the other benefits I was looking for was still being able to use the camera’s light metering and auto-focus system. Since these filters screw onto the end of the lens, there is nothing between the glass and the camera and therefore nothing confusing the camera’s settings, like what was going on with the extension tubes (despite what Vello claims).

The first couple of pictures I took were just a couple of items sitting on our counter: a book of stamps and a banana. While the photograph of the stamps looked like I expected (shallow depth-of-field), the first thing I noticed with the banana was extreme distortion coming in from around the edges. While I expected a little distortion (I can always crop a photograph to remove that), there was quite a bit of distortion. As I previously mentioned, with the filters and tubes there is a much shallower depth-of-field, but that is different from flat out distortion as you can see if you look at that photograph closely.

Moving on to the flowers, the second problem I noticed was some color fringing around the edge of the flower. In some of these pictures, if you look closely you will see a blue edge to the flower. A blue edge? Yes, a blue edge! This is called Chromatic Aberration and although I am not sure of the exact reasons why this occurs (I’m not a scientist), except that these particular filters are relatively cheap (less than $60) compared to others, and that cheapness means light from behind the object gets bent in an unusual manner around the object being photographed thus resulting in the problem. Would this happen with a higher priced close-up filter? I do not know, but I will tell you this: cheap never, ever translates into good quality. Some of this can be corrected in the editing process, but if you can prevent it from occurring to begin with then all the better.

Now keep in mind that because these are filter type accessories, this particular set would only work with a lens with a 77mm diameter, such as the lens I mentioned earlier, so that was the only lens I used for this test. Although I may have better results with a different lens, this is a good lens and I normally love the resulting pictures. However, I was disappointed with the result overall and will be returning the filters to the vendor for a refund.

The only adjustments I made to these photo’s are exposure, contrast, a bit of sharpening and noise reduction. I did not crop any of these so you can get a sense of the magnification.

I hope that you enjoyed this series of posts and it will aid you in making a decision about pursuing your own macro photography.



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Macro Photography Extension Tube Review

Back in April, I posted a tip about cheap macro photography. Well, I broke down and had to try it myself. Not owning a Macro lens, I purchased a series of extension tubes and some close-up filters for my 24-105mm Nikkor lens.  The results? Mixed.

This particular post is about the macro extension tubes I purchased: Vello Auto Extension Tube Set for Nikon cameras. You can purchase them at B&H Photo for $79.95 (

I am posting here a series of photographs that I took using my Nikon D800 DSLR camera and a variety of lenses. I used a 50mm, a 70-200mm, a 24-105mm (all Nikkor) and a Tamron 28-75mm. And for the most part, I tried to photographs flowers in the garden, which posed numerous challenges such as lighting and wind. Over the course of the 3 days I tried to photograph, I could not get the wind to cooperate–it would just not stop blowing. That is until I put everything away. Another challenge that I had was the precise aiming of the camera and lens while on the tripod. You see, my tripod is just not designed to fine tune height and direction.  And of course, I had to do this with all the extension tubes on the camera.

The next test was to remove two of the tubes and use just the 50mm Nikkor lens. These results were much more satisfactory, although I could not get the zoom I want. Exact focus is an issue that must be dealt with too. Of course, read any text on macro photography and focus and Depth-of-Field will always be an issue. The answer: focus stacking, that is taking multiple exposures with different focal points and then combining those photographs in Photoshop or another program (that subject is out of scope for this blog).

Now, keep in mind that I did not try just one of the elements on any of my other lenses, just the 50mm.

Light is another issue that must be considered. Even though I was shooting in full daylight, I had to pump up my ISO to 800. And even though Vello claims that the lens info will be passed onto the camera thus being able to I found that my camera’s metering got somewhat out-of-whack and I had to make adjustments to exposure.

I was pleased with the results-I mean what more could I ask for for $80. I would still like to try a true macro lens, but I think that I will wait a while before shelling out the bucks to buy one and just make use of these tubes.

So the photographs posted below, the flower photographs are with the combined use of the 3 tubes, while the remainder are with just the 12mm tube. The only adjustments I made to these photo’s are exposure, contrast, a bit of sharpening and noise reduction. I did not crop any of these so you can get a sense of the magnification.

Next blog post will be about the close-up filters.



P.S. The photograph of the dogs eye has the camera reflection of Lynette digging in the garden. Awesome!

Also posted in Landscape and Nature Photography Tagged , , , , |

Fireworks 2013

So for years I’ve always posted and reposted tips on getting great firework photographs and have yet to post any of my own (that is without having to dig through the archives). This year was going to be different-a trip out to the big firework display with lots and lots of new and exciting photo’s to post. But, the dogs wouldn’t hear of letting us go away. If any of you are aware, the last 3 years have been especially challenging for us with keeping our animals under control during the days leading up to and following the holiday (they have escaped the yard the last couple of years and have been lost and gone for hours and hours). So once again we were forced to be at home.

Nevertheless, there are usually plenty of opportunities to get cool photographs of fireworks around your own house. The pictures I post here are just a few of the ones that I shot just around my own abode. Ok, they are not as spectacular as those you might capture at a large fireworks display, but still cool.

Anyway, enjoy and perhaps next year we can post some photographs from a larger display.



P.S. If you are an individual that likes to set off fireworks around your house, please be responsible and clean up your mess. Lynette and I took a walk around our neighborhood yesterday and both of us were disgusted at the amount of firework trash left to rot in the street. Do the right and responsible thing and clean-up after yourself please. Your neighbors will appreciate it

Also posted in Event Photography Tagged , , , , |

Backyard Flowers

Hi Everyone,

Hope you all had a good weekend and are out enjoying some wonderful sunshine! We had a wonderful weekend here at Casa de McKenna and had an opportunity to snap some wonderful photographs of flowers around the yard.

Nothing special with these photographs. Just using my standard Nikon DSLR with an 26-120mm lens. Cropped in Lightroom.

Enjoy and as always, blessings.


BTW-if you are interested in purchase of any of these, email me or click on the Fine Art America link on the right to go to my gallery.

Also posted in Landscape and Nature Photography Tagged , , , , |

Photographs on Fine Art America

Good evening friends,

Just wanted to let you know that I have a site on Fine Art America in which I am featuring some of my work for sale. Please take a look and give me feedback.

The link is here:

flowers art


Thank you and have a good night.



Also posted in Event Photography, Landscape and Nature Photography Tagged , , , |

Macro Photography on the Cheap

Ok friends, I am not in the habit of posting someone elses blog on my site, but I have to on this one.

As you know, Macro Photography is a fascinating genre. Close up details of whatever. The problem is, that most lenses now in your camera bag do not qualify as Macro lenses and it is very expensive to purchase new ones. Having said that, I ran across a blog today that let’s you cheat on this without having to buy new lenses. An investment of less than $50 can get you some real interesting results.

Check out the video below (ok, the video is nothing special) and the link is below.



Macro Photography Under $10

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Puyallup HDR

Good evening friends!

I have recently been taken in with HDR photography.  The dynamic resolution of this technique is mind-blowing.  But rather than a bunch of boring details about the how’s and why’s of it, I thought that I would post just a couple of test shots that I took around my hometown this last week.

The first is simply a condo building located above a community center. The photograph is not composed very well as I cut out the bottom of the building and the surrounding road to remove the trash and junk cars that were present at the time, and rather attempt to focus on the sky. The second is a shot of the Puyallup Public Library. Located in front of the building is a lone canopy from Puyallup’s first Farmers Market of the year. Sad, huh? Anyway, the focus is the building against a mean looking sky.

I will post more on the how’s and why’s later, but in the mean time enjoy the photographs.



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