Bald Eagles of Seabeck 2020

Bald Eagles of Seabeck 2020

Hello friends,

I just realized that I had never posted anything about one of my highlights from last summers lockdowns.

I managed to sneak away from work for a couple of hours and drove to Seabeck, Washington to check out what I was hearing about the eagles that show up every year. Well I was a little bit late in my timing of a visit, but not to disappoint there were still a few of them hanging around. There were a couple of mature eagles in the area and a few of juvenile ones flying around. And I managed to get a few photographs before they moved on!

I even was able to capture a couple of photographs of a raccoon that decided to swing by and give us a show. There is also a few other photos in this gallery from some of the scenery as I continued to drive around that day. You know, waterfalls, mountains, Hood Canal, and hummingbirds.

Enjoy the photographs.



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