
Wow! What a beautifully cool change to our weather here in the PNW! I hope you all are enjoying the reprieve we have been blessed with:)

I would like to introduce Veena to you all. I met Veena and her family earlier this week. Our photo shoot was to be a gift to Veena, from her parents, for her 20th birthday. I thought this was such a gift of love…that her parents would want to honor Veena with a commemoration of her departure from her teen years and usher her lovingly into her 20’s.  This is a wonderful, brilliant, sweet and beautiful young woman, who welcomed me into the privacy of her family relationship. I thoroughly enjoyed our session and am so excited to deliver to Veena and her family, this dedication.

Veena, I wish you all the best in your most prosperous future. I pray that you will find all of the success you are reaching for in these last few years of your college career. Please keep in touch with me. You are such a treasure now. I can’t wait to see the woman you become!




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