Photo Day with the Kids

Given that we’re in the midst of summer and that the kids are on summer break, I thought about how cool it would be to have a photo day with them. How much fun would it be to take a day with the kids and introduce them to photography and encourage them to use their creativity and imagination.

All you really need to do to make this a success is take them to a really cool place to photograph, give them a camera, and let them shoot away. Ok, you may not want to give them your really expensive SLR camera, but a point-and-shoot camera that is lightweight and easy to use will be sufficient. Tell the kids a few days in advance to get them thinking about what kind of shots they want to get, make sure the batteries for your camera are fully charged and that you have plenty of available memory cards.

When you arrive at your destination, set the camera to auto mode and show the kids how the auto-focus works (on most cameras, this is as simple as pressing the shutter button half way down). Let the kids take a few shots and then you check them to make sure that they are in focus. Encourage the kids to shoot from different angles, zoom in or out, and place the subject somewhere other than right in the middle (remember the rule of thirds-the subject of another post). And when I talk about different angles, I am talking about many things. For example, getting close to the subject as in squatting down or laying on the ground. Or how about standing on a bench or from a point well above the subject (just keep it safe).

Remember that the kids and will take pictures of their world as they see it. Give each child a chance to shoot some photographs at your locale and if time permits choose another location or give them another chance to shoot.

Another idea is be to let the kids take pictures of you and each other. Again, these photos will show how they see the people around them. And even more, take a camera with you and photograph them taking their pictures.

And when the day is over print out some of the photos and create a scrapbook of the images. The kids will be proud of their creativity especially when you praise and complement their work and you will have a great memento of your photo day with the kids.


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