Love at Last – Mike & Terrie

Love at Last – Mike & Terrie

Early last year, our good friend, Mike, invited us out to dinner with he and his fiance, Terrie. It was a lovely evening at one of our favorite local restaurants. Over dinner, Mike and Terrie asked us to be their photographers for their wedding in April. Of course we said yes, not knowing that the world was on the edge of extinction.

Covid then hit and and everything on planet Earth was canceled. Well, almost everything. Love was not canceled, just delayed. Mike and Terrie’s wedding would have to wait. And so it did. Two more scheduled wedding dates came and went.

That was until last weekend, when the big day finally arrived and nothing was going to stop their wedding…this time. And so, nothing did.

This wonderful couple was married at the Pioneer Park Pavilion in downtown Puyallup, witnessed by their many friends and relatives. It was incredible for us to see how many people were able share in this special day.

A great big congratulations and best wishes for many happy years together go out to you, Mike and Terrie. And thank you for having us be your photographer and join in your special day.

Love and blessings to you both,

Chris and Lynette.

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