Kona, Hawaii Part I

Hi Friends,

Earlier this year, we took a trip to Kona, Hawaii for a round of diving and underwater photography. The images below are just a sampling of those that I took

I was particularly taken with the Manta Rays. Those were taken during a night dive we had with a local company (Kona Honu Divers) and specializes in the Manta Ray dives. What a fantastic opportunity to get so close to these magnificent creatures.

And of course the turtles and I share a special bond. For whatever reason, I find myself drawn to these animals too. Since my first encounter with a turtle in 2016 to these latest ones, I love them.

With great humility, I am proud to say that two of these pictures are now award winners. Albeit small awards, they are winners nonetheless. They are the first photo in this gallery, the one with the two divers that I call “Divers and Hoover’s Pinnacle” and the sunset photograph with the two boats entitled “Waiting for the Mantas”. Thank you to Tacoma Scuba and the Sea Horse Diving Club for the recognition of these two.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy these photos. I look forward to getting many more on my future trips to our 50th, and most beautiful state.

Blessings, Chris.

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