Kari & Michael – Sumner Wedding Photographer

Greetings friends,

Well, its been a while since we posted anything. And once again for that I am sorry. Its not because we’re trying to neglect, just so much to do and so little time to do it as they say.

Anyway, we wanted to take a few minutes this morning and post a few photographs (and a video) from one of our favorite weddings this year. This is Kari and Michael, an absolutely wonderful couple who were married last on September10. That is 9/10/11. The bride and groom are both amazing people and we thank them for the privilege of being their photographers. It was an honor.

Their ceremony took place at Sumner Presbyterian Church and their reception at the McMillian Grange. Occasions Catering provided the reception dinner and as always did a fabulous job. This time video was captured by Johnson Video and not McKenna Video.

We wish Kari & Michael all our best for many happy years together.




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