Hawaii 2020, part 1

Hello Friends,

What an absolute crazy year this has been! Crazy is an understatement to say the least. We’ve all had our challenges with the coronavirus crap and everything that that has meant (if you have lost a loved one because of it we are deeply sorry and offer our prayers for you and your family), but me personally this year started with us losing my father and needing to say goodbye to him. There have been other challenges that 2020 has thrown at me but I’ll keep those to myself and not bore you all with my sob stories.

Anyway, we were fortunate enough to have planned a trip to Hawaii (Maui) and were able to travel (and return home) before we were all locked down and sheltered-in-place. Our kids joined us and we had a fabulous time.

The photo’s below are but just a few of the many photographs (non-diving related) that I shot when we were there. Certainly not as many as previous trips as our kids were with us, but always just as entertaining. There are a few of our family scattered within.

I hope that you enjoy. My next post will be some of the underwater photos I shot so stay tuned.

Blessings as always,


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