Celebrating Barit’s Senior Year

Celebrating Barit’s Senior Year

What a strange and wonderful year it has been. Our high school seniors are finishing out their education differently than expected, yet they are finishing. Congratulations to them all!!!

My biggest congratulations this year is to my nephew, Barit, who is completing his high school year through Pierce College. What a fantastic achievement! Barit is a great kid! We had an awesome time capturing one of his favorite activities for his senior photo session…rock climbing! Barit climbs regularly at Edgeworks climbing in Tacoma. Unfortunately, with our state mandated shutdown, Edgeworks is not open, so we did the next best thing…the Sprinker climbing wall. Barit showed me all he had with hangs and climbs and holds and all…it was pretty spectacular! We also went up to High Voltage Records in North Tacoma (also closed), a favorite hang out for Barit and his friends. We did get a few shots from the outside there. Business windows were boarded up, but have been painted with beautiful murals, so that was a nice surprise:)

All in all, we had a great time together. Barit is a fun and interesting conversationalist. We talked politics (good thing we’re on the same side), religion, and Covid crisis. It was a good day!

Congratulations, Barit! You did good!:)

~Auntie Lynette

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