Are You Following Us on Facebook and Twitter?

I love the blogging, but it is very hard for me to carve out time to write them all the time (I have 3 blog sites that must be maintained and updated). Over the last 6 months it has been very difficult for me to find the time to write and get things posted. I have found that social media is where its at these days. A quick post, a random thought, a link not worth of a full blog posting may end up on our social media pages.

Having said that, if you are not following us on Facebook and Twitter, maybe you should? I have posted a couple of links here that will take you directly to our pages. Go ahead, click on the links, like us on Facebook and follow me on Twitter. And if you follow us on Facebook, I promise not to bombard your wall with all kinds of random stuff like others do.

You won’t be disappointed.



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