Another Real Estate Photo Shoot

Another Real Estate Photo Shoot

Hi Friends,

As I complete another set of photographs for one of the best Real Estate Brokers that I know, I wanted to remind my readers that I am available to shoot your real estate properties with both ground photography and aerials (airspace clearance dependent).

In case you missed it, I possess Unmanned Aerial Vehicle license and have FAA clearance to fly a drone legally and without any issues (can that be said about the “budget” guys?). I can even get limited permission to fly in certainly classes of airspace with the proper planning.

If you haven’t seen what that might look like, you can find an example of my video work at this link. The video I take can be used independently or as part of a sales pitch published by residential or commercial real estate agents. And as far as photographs are concerned, you can see some examples of that work on my real estate portfolio page, albeit that most of it is non-commercial RE.

I want to extend an offer to you to have me come out and film and photograph your residential real estate or commercial real estate and use the product as part of your marketing campaigns. My rates are reasonable, my turn-around is quick, I’m insured, and available most of the time within reason. So don’t hesitate to call me and let’s at least discuss.

Blessings and God’s peace.


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