A Big Welcome to Adelaide

A Big Welcome to Adelaide

Hello friends,

As many of you know, we lost our doggie last year. Bowen was a great pet and dog for our family and we miss him greatly. You can read more about him here: https://chrismckennaphotography.com/2022/04/goodbye-to-my-sweet-doggy/ . His death left a huge hole in our lives.

Having said that, we decided that we were not going to immediately get another furbaby. We thought it would be best to wait about 2 years and reevaluate at that time. Doing that, we thought, would give us the ability to travel more freely and without having to worry about pet care for a while.

Fast-forward about 5 months and thousands of Instagram post feeds of puppies and awesome dogs and we arrive into late September/early October and a decision to start looking at getting a puppy in the new year. So I went looking for a local breeder of our favorite Australian Shepherds and found one that was less than an hour drive from us. We visited and fell in love with their expecting couple (“Longshadow on the Meadow” & “Longshadow’s Simply Simon”) and decided to adopt one of their offspring.

Adelaide was born a week later and we brought her home to live with us in early December.

It’s been 15 years since we had a puppy in the house and it was nice to have another to help fill the void. But with only the two of us to share the duties (versus 4 last time we had a pup) it demands a lot of our time and certainly a lot of patience (I think that God helps us forget the amount needed to raise a puppy otherwise one would never get a new one). Her training is going well, when she decides to listen, and the potential for her into her adult life is great. But she’s been a huge blessing so far and we’re grateful that she is part of our family.

I’ll try and post pics of her here periodically but you can always follow along on her Instagram social media account (click the link).



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