Teresa and Greg – Tacoma Wedding Photography

Our congratulations go out to Teresa and Greg, married on September 18 at Thornewood Castle in Lakewood, WA (Tacoma).

If you remember (you may not-but I do), the weather was horrible for the entire week leading up to the wedding. In fact, I don’t ever recall seeing so much rain in such a short period of time–I believe that we set some records for rainfall that week. But I digress.

So, the weather was horrible and we were praying for sunshine. And guess what? It was sunny and dry on that Saturday morning. We were so happy that we would actually get to use the sunken gardens for the ceremony. We proceeded as planned given the restrictions of the venue and started to take our photographs. And then, right in the middle of our formals, the skies opened up and it started to rain again.

Well, a little rain doesn’t stop us from getting great photos, which we did. So the following are some of the photographs that we managed to take that day.

We wish Teresa and Greg all our best and we look forward to working on designing your wedding album for you.



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