Audrey at SAMI

Audrey at SAMI

Well, looks like we are officially out of our fantastic summer weather and full on into fall. This time of year has its challenges for we photographers who really like to shoot outside in our beautiful PNW, but also gives us some really creative ways to get those coveted senior photos and still not drench our models:)

I’d like to introduce you to my newest and most favorite senior model, Audrey. What an amazing lady! And look at that smile!!

Audrey was accepted and is attending SAMI (Science and Math Institute) which is part of the Tacoma Public School system. It is quite an honor to be chosen as a SAMI student, and Audrey loves it there!! She chose to have her senior photo session at the Environmental Learning Center which is inside of Pt Defiance Park…right next to the Zoo! Really cool building! We had some great backdrops to work with. They even have a whale skeleton!

We had a fantastic time, Audrey and I, and I am so honored that she chose me to be her photographer and help her celebrate this senior year.

Please enjoy a few of my favorite pics of this beautiful girl and her sweet smile.

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